Kniha návštěv

| 16.05.2023

We are unity , we are the world

love is still in my heart

| 16.05.2023


Alena Jana | 15.05.2023

Na této stránce jsem narazil na tohoto poskytovatele půjčky a rozhodl jsem se kontaktovat jeho e-mail, byl jsem překvapen, když jsem mu dal dokument, o který požádal, najednou mi byla schválena půjčka ve výši 750 000 Kč, takže jsem nikdy nevěřil, že to všechno může fungovat. Byla mi připsána půjčka ve výši 750 000 Kč, prosím, poradím každému, kdo potřebuje půjčku, aby se obrátil na tohoto soukromého poskytovatele půjčky s žádostí o půjčku prostřednictvím: email:

. | 15.05.2023

| 15.05.2023

Yes, she was not shure but now she surely knows he loves her so much:

Půjčka, úvěr a finanční pomoc

Maria | 14.05.2023

Půjčka, úvěr a finanční pomoc
Půjčka, úvěr a finanční pomoc Nabízím půjčky jakéhokoli druhu od 40 000 do 5 000 000 Kč pro všechny občany, kteří jsou schopni splácet včas bez protokolu. Úroková sazba je jednotná 2 % po celou dobu splácení, nemusíte ani nikam chodit, protože vše proběhne online. Máme pro Vás to nejvýhodnější řešení Vaší tíživé finanční situace Neváhejte mě kontaktovat, jsem Vám k dispozici 24 hodin denně Email:


| 14.05.2023

The young lady good cooking...

| 14.05.2023

He was instructed by color vision while talking to the psychic to love her as a man, not just as
an angel. The order was like a message from her dying mother.

| 13.05.2023

Oh,, so he was waiting for her like thousand years and he is still young as a present for her. And his love stopped getting him older.
They ´re happy couple. All people said.


***** | 13.05.2023

We know long story.
A. was born in september. In that time her angel was strongly singing.
It was very strong love. She came. He felt her on his way in other years. No space no time could disconnect their love.
After that longer time her angel found her story... 2006.
The communication of both hearts was stronger and growing.
In the year 2010 , may 2010. Very strong meeting of the clairvoyant with the angel on the bus station.
He got command with coloured vision whent talking to the clairvoyant to love her as a man, not only as an angel. The command was like the message from her dying mother.
From that time he was her angel and as firend. They were not only two souls, but two people.
He loved her very, very much. But still did not know if she could be the woman for him. She made some bad things, but he did forgive her.
Sometimes she gave him real signals , that she would be happy to be with him in life. So he was afraid to leave her , because he did not want her to be unhappy. He knew all his life, that she could not be happy with
anyone and when she will stay without him she will not full fil her life mission of her happisness. It was very, very important for him to see that she decided for anything with freedom. Because he loved, loves her really, really.
He gave her time to 25, later to 27 , then he knew she could not be for any relation with anyone. But he gave her last chance to 30.
She is like dead for him, cause she is not abyle to decide, when is her best time, but he loves her forever.
That is why the tuth is not so simle. Yes she has husband, and maybe it is not real when she wil not believe it. But what is real. The real is love.
And she knows she has his love forever. That is the miracle of Ali and her angel Lau. She has home, car, husband, love. And life for the people who need to recognize the truth.

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